New Pay+ card not working

  • Kvdb1980's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I lost my Tesco pay+ card and was send a replacement however this doesn't work. It works in cash machine so I know the pin is correct but every time I attempt a chip and pin transaction it is declined before I even get to enter the pin. There is no prompt in the app to activate the card so I'm a little lost as to what's happening?
  • 2 Replies

  • CarolineD's Avatar
    @Kvdb1980 hey there, thanks for getting in touch 🙂I'm sorry to hear your new card isn't working. So we can check this for you, please send a private message to @Tesco-Bank using this link.
  • ITUnurse's Avatar
    @Kvdb1980Sometimes your payments might be declined, this could be because:

    Insufficient funds. If there isn't enough available credit or you are over your limit then we may decline your transaction. Please check you have sufficient funds available to cover the transaction.
    You could have pending payments available which impact your available balance.
    An error with the merchant bank, something which we have no control over. If you've checked your available balance and there is sufficient funds available then you'll need to query this with the merchant bank.
    If you've used your card for Contactless payments several times your card may be declined as a security measure. Please try using it with chip and PIN as this should resolve the issue.
    If this is an online transaction, please check you have entered your card details correctly. If anything is entered incorrectly then your transaction will be declined.
    If you've entered your One Time Access Code (OTAC) incorrectly.
    If you've not received your OTAC then please log in to Online Banking and check we have your up to date mobile number. Please refer to our existing FAQ 'How do I update my address, email and phone number online?' on how to do this if you're unsure.
    If you believe your contact details are correct and you're still having issues with your OTAC, then please contact us as your Tesco Bank Secure account may be disabled.
    Occasionally we can decline a transaction as a fraud prevention measure. If we do this we'll send you a text asking you to reply. If this is a genuine transaction you'll need to confirm this. We recommend allowing 5 minutes after sending your text before processing the transaction again.
    You're in arrears and with our Collections team (due to outstanding payment).
    Your card is damaged and you may require a replacement one