Deactivate contactless on debit / credit card

  • nilocp's Avatar
    CarolineM thank you for your reply. I think that you are obliged under banking rules to issue non-contactless credit cards if requested. I will stop using my card as soon as I can get a relacement card from another supplier. Unless I can find a way of disabling it.
  • ThomasC's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    I am sorry that being unable to switch off the contactless functionality has left you disappointed . Whilst I can't change this, I will pass on your comments as feedback.
  • Johnkm_639's Avatar
    It is perhaps worth reiterating my solution to the neutering of the Tesco contactless cards: See my post dated 04/07/2017, or go to this web site: small saw cut has done the trick on two Tesco cards and there have been no other problems since then. I have already suggested that Tesco change the design of the card so that the antenna track runs close to the bottom corner and that corner marked to indicate where it can be cut off to disable contactless operation. This is a very simple solution to this problem, as it provides a card suitable for both purposes! So why hasn't this been implemented?
  • AinsleyC's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    Hi , thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid this isn't something that we are considering at the moment, but thank you for your feedback - Ainsley
  • puppyduck13's Avatar
    I find it difficult to understand how tesco can get this so wrong. I also would like to register my disslike of this new technology thats seems to be designed as an aid to fraudsters.I would point out i am no Ludite , i was an early adopter of on line banking with First Direct, who still offer a credit card without contactless.I will follow this gentlemans instructions as i have nothing to lose by damaging the card. I'm only a user for the clubcard point advantage which has recentley become far less attractive.I may go high tech and use a dremel with a fine rotary burr.My first test will be with a basket of £120 worth of shoping at the tesco checkout, if the card gets declined i can easily walk out the door , Aldi opens next month(Hythe)- i may be first in line
  • KellyT's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Hi @puppyduck, sorry to hear about your disappointment. Although this is not something we can offer currently, I can certainly pass on your comments as customer feedback today. We always take on board feedback as we look to improve our services going forward. We wouldn't recommend destroying or defacing your card as this may prevent it from working correctly. Please rest assured that if your account was ever subject to any fraudulent activity, you would not be held liable for this.

  • puppyduck13's Avatar
    Some sucess with the dremel cure for contactless card fraud prevention. I don't have access to an xray and didn't want to spend money building a copper wire detector.The black credit card wont allow you to see any wiring when a bright LED is shone on it.`With finding suggestions that the antenna is fed from each side of the gold chip section on the card.I put a short slotted cut out each side of the gold chip , with a dremel with a fine bur tool.This was easy to control and i made sure i did not enter the black zone strip on the rear. I taped the card down to a piece of wood while i made the slots.I then when to M&S for some shoping and made a purchase with normal chip and pin number successfully, this proved the card worked and authorised the new card for use. I then attempted a contactless payement with the card , failed as the card was undetected by nthe reader. So a total success. the card works but wont for contactless. If only Tesco gave customers an option i wouldnt have to distress their card at all. See photo bellow
  • Tarian's Avatar
    Pitching in
    Inconsistency over security .....Why persist with unsafe Contactless - while overdoing security elsewhere ? A few days ago, I tried to make a 4 figure payment out of a current account ........... to a savings account at another bank - in my own name. This payment was suspended pending a security check.The process was a nightmare - repeating the same personal details, cross-examined with multiple questions about other payments - and this payment - to an account in MY name. One might shrug shoulders and put up with the over-kill ............ but NOT while banks keep pushing patently unsafe Contactless cards - compared to PIN transactions. Please give Customers the choice.(.... and if that means marking the card with a safe place to drill a hole, that would be better than nothing.)
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , thanks for taking the time to post. I've recorded all your comments above as feedback.
  • Basia022's Avatar
    i am surprised that tesco do not offer a card without contactless as other banks do - i am trying to save them money - i am confused as there are several requests in this article that people email , anonymous - neither of these are complete email addresses - who do I email?