When does first direct debit for new credit card gets taken?

  • Sggirl's Avatar
    I recently activated my tesco credit card, and made a transaction on the 19th January. It states on my mobile app that my direct debit payment should be taken around the 9th of each month. I've checked and nothing has been paid. I also don't see any statements available on my app, which other banks do, indicating transactions and when it gets taken via direct debit on a monthly basis. my question is, how do I know when the first direct debit payment will get taken? Just worried that I'll incur penalty fees if the minimum is not paid but feel like ido not have any information and confirmation about payment from Tesco bank!
  • 3 Replies

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , did you receive a statement with a minimum payment due? If not then no payment would be due that month. I hope this clarifies things for you.
  • Sggirl's Avatar
    Hi, thanks for your reply. No I did not receive a statement. Based on the timeframe (I.e new credit card opened in January, transaction on 19th Jan, direct debit set up for around the 9th), and with it being 11th Feb today, does that mean that there won’t be a statement the first month after the card is activated and I should be expecting the first statement and payment to be taken in on 9th March?
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    The statement is generally 25 days before the payment due date so I would expect this soon based upon what you've stated below. Should you wish to confirm the date then you can alway give us a quick call on 0345 300 4278 (24/7).