Sudden Minimum Credit Card Payment Issue

  • minahraven's Avatar
    As my mum's credit card has mostly been used to help me purchase things so as to spread the cost, I'm the one who covers the payments. We just got a letter today (we have mail redirection set up as we're out of the country) saying that the account is in arrears despite the fact that I have had a direct debit set up to pay more than the minimum every month for well over a year, and have not even used the card in about 2 years. This letter states that the last 3 months' payments have been only partial, even though they are well over the '£28 or 1% of the balance' minimum required, and that we now owe over £300. My bank balance shows the same payments still going out on the usual date and for the usual amount. How could this happen? I'm waiting for an access code to be sent to us so that I can access the account online to check it (the phone number on the account isn't accessible at the moment due to being overseas), but am trying to research in the meantime and am very confused what could have happened for us to suddenly go into arrears even though nothing has changed, or at least shouldn't have. Can anyone offer any advice?
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  • ScottW's Avatar
    I'm sorry to hear about your issue . When the payments are leaving your account, are they being returned? A direct debit, whether it's the minimum or set at a fixed amount, will always make sure that the account can't be in arrears. If you have a standing order instead, then that could lead to arrears if the minimum payment increased but the payment stayed the same.

    I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to access the account via Community, but if you'd like to know more, your Mother can call us anytime on +441268 508 027.