Mobile app transfer difficulties

  • ecf1989's Avatar
    Hi, I have a TB current account and credit card and use the mobile app. I am trying to transfer a bit of money from CA to CC but the 'transfer' icon is not appearing beside the payment icon in my app. Why is this? Thanks Emma
  • 2 Replies

  • Verified Answer

    StephenO's Avatar
    Verified Answer
    Hi @ecf1989, you'll need to add the credit card as a payee on the website or via phone before making a payment on the mobile app. Once the payee has been set up, you'll be able to make transfers on the mobile app via "make a payment". Alternatively you can pay by debit card on the mobile app by going to the Credit Card section and entering the debit card details.
  • JamieJ's Avatar
    Former Community Manager

    Just to clairfy you can add a payee from the app direct. Also recently we added the feature that allows you to set up a direct debit to pay your credit card bill, that might make life easier. Hope this helps.